Coffee House Talks

Coffee House Talks

02. December 2024.

The Coffee House Talks event is the Money Museum's monthly event series. Our educational talks put money at the heart of the conversation. The aim of these fun, interactive evenings is to make us more aware of our finances, rather than treating them as a taboo. The evenings are always held in front of an audience in the Money Museum's lobby and café, but the event is held on the Money Museum's Panoramic Terrace during the summer.

Our seventh guest was Szabi the baker, a successful businessman who has been a baker for over 30 years and now employs almost 100 people. His knowledge of baked goods is not kept to himself. During Covid, he taught the country's susceptible population how to work with sourdough through his online videos. Today, he says, it's no longer a question of whether you can make a good sourdough bread with BL80 flour. The question is whether we can bake something else with it, and whether what we bake is healthy enough. The good news is that the public has started to look for quality. However, to make bread healthier, we need to go back to the old wheat, the stubble, the litter. These are raw materials for kneading mud. They have a minimal gluten content, which makes the dough flat, as the net cannot form, and they also give a dense core, but they produce extremely delicate flavours, which is appreciated by customers.

We talk to Sabi about business, product development and the pizza revolution. We discussed whether bread consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle, and we settled the recently hotly debated issue of how much you can charge for a luxury bakery product, and what is a luxury product in the bakery market.

If you missed the event, you could listen to it as a podcast via one of the links below:

Spotify: https://bit.ly/kavehazi-beszelgetesek-spotify-szabi-a-pek

Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/kavehazi-beszelgetesek-apple-szabi-a-pek

Youtube: https://bit.ly/kavehazi-beszelgetesek-youtube-szabi-a-pek

Overcast: https://bit.ly/kavehazi-beszelgetesek-overcast-szabi-a-pek

If you would like to attend a Coffee House Talks event in person, follow the Money Museum's social media platforms, where we are constantly advertising our current events.

Further news

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