Join us at the screening of The Legend of the Gold Train! June 27 | English Sub

Join us at the screening of The Legend of the Gold Train! June 27 | English Sub

27. June 2024. 18:00

The screening of the Legend of the Gold Train

The award-winning documentary-feature film, directed by Attila Szász and supported by the Central Bank of Hungary, will be available at the Money Museum from 6 p.m. in the Museum Pedagogy Room.

The film tells the story of the employees of the Central Bank of Hungary who rescued and secured Hungary’s gold reserves during the Second World War on a train which later came to be known as the Gold Train.

Audio: Hungarian
Subtitle: English


Please indicate your intention to participate in the event by clicking on the "Jelentkezem!" button on this link:
Az aranyvonat legendája című film vetítése (június 27.) | English Sub - Pénzmúzeum (penzmuzeum.hu)

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