Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement

The MNB-EduLab Competence Centre Limited Liability Company (MNB-EduLab Kompetencia Központ Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság) is committed to ensuring the continuous accessibility of the website https://www.penzmuzeum.hu/ in accordance with the national legislation transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Act LXXV of 2018 on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Organizations).

This accessibility statement applies to the website https://www.penzmuzeum.hu/.

Compliance status

With the exceptions listed below, the website complies with Act LXXV of 2018 on Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Organizations:

Non-accessible content

Reason for non-compliance with Act LXXV of 2018:

Some of the videos available on www.penzmuzeum.hu are embedded from the video-sharing portal YouTube and are owned by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary). In the absence of such user rights MNB-EduLab Nonprofit Ltd. is not entitled to make these videos accessible (subtitle). If the rights holder or another party authorized by the rights holder so provides, the new version will be published on the website without delay in order to comply with the accessibility requirements.

Preparing the accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 30 August 2023, based on the self-assessment of MNB-EduLab Nonprofit Ltd.

Feedback and contact details

You can report any non-compliance at info@penzmuzeum.hu. The Operations Department of the MNB-EduLab Nonprofit Ltd. Hungarian Money Museum and Visitors' Centre is responsible for processing the notifications sent through the feedback mechanism. Pursuant to Section 4 (2) of Act LXXV of 2018, the public sector body is obliged to respond to the notification within 30 days.

Enforcement procedure

The detailed rules of the accessibility audit are set out in Government Decree 162/2019 (VII. 5.).

Control body: Governmental Information-Technology Development Agency (Kormányzati Informatikai Fejlesztési Ügynökség)

Head office: 1134 Budapest, Váci út 35.

Address for correspondence: 1134 Budapest, Váci út 35.

Customer service: +36 1 450 3070

E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@kifu.gov.hu

Web: https://kifu.gov.hu/

Based on a notification, the inspection body shall carry out an accessibility inspection if the person submitting the notification or request in the feedback procedure does not receive a satisfactory or unsatisfactory response from the public sector body within the deadline pursuant to Section 4 (2) of Act LXXV of 2018.

This accessibility statement has been approved by:

Eszter Márta Hergár

Managing Director